Our prosperity plans are bundled with Free Incorporation and are simple to understand, affordable for everyone, transparent in scope and suitable for all companies.
Our peace of mind plans handle all your on going compliance needs in in a simple monthly package. No hidden fees or surprises. Our plans are suitable for most companies.
All Prosperity Plans include:
- Access to Client Portal
- e-Certificate of Incorporation
- Company Constitution (M&A)
- Share Certificates
- Statutory Registers
- Up to 2 individual directors / shareholders
- Membership to the Laughing Club
Cloud Accounting
On Xero or Quickbooks
ACRA Compliance
AGM and AR Filing
Financial Statements
Compliant with Singapore Financial Reporating Standards
IRAS Compliance
Tax Computation, ECI, Form C/C-S Filing
Notes and Exclusions:
- Xero (Ledger Plan) Subscription
- Non GST Registered Entities only
- Stand Alone Entities only (No Group Structure)
- XBRL Conversion $500 onwards
- For Group or GST Registered Entities, contact us for a customized quote
Q: Are there any hidden fees?
A: No. All our plans are simple and transparent. There are no hidden fees or surprises. All extras and add-ons are clearly stated upfront.
Q: How long does incorporation take?
A: Once we have all the information and signed forms back from you, the incorporation can be completed within 1 hour.
Q: How do you count a transaction?
A: A transaction is a payment or deposit in the bank account. A composite transaction will count as only 1 transaction unless it needs to be separately classified.
Q: Why are your fees so low?
A: We took the frills out. Our services are meant for companies that are looking for complete compliance services with a peace of mind assurance without any frills. We automate most of our processes to reduce costs and pass those savings to you.
Q: Is your team qualified?
A: Yes, absolutely. Our team is led by fully qualified Singaporean Chartered Accountants, Lawyers and Chartered Company Secretaries. You can rest assured you are in safe hands.